Do not let the media bury HR5843 legislation!

How can this be possible? Click the search link and you'll find NOT ONE SINGLE NEWS STORY in all of Google News about HR5843.


How can that be possible. Yes, there are new items about "decriminalize marijuana" but why do NONE OF THEM reference the Current Active Legislation that can and will End Prohibition THIS YEAR, if we demand it?

And why wasn't this $10 Billion per year REVENUE included in the Economic Stimulus bill? Why do our elected officials continue to throw that money away? Worse, they are giving it away to criminals, instead of putting the money to use educating the public and treating those with addictive personalities or genetics?

Don't let the mainstream media get away with this cheap trick of keeping the public in the dark. Link to, or repost this blog post everywhere you possibly can.

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