“The elections of 2018 and 2020
will be vital in testing how far the
electoral system has deteriorated.”
will be vital in testing how far the
electoral system has deteriorated.”
"It is absolutely essential for not only moral but tactical reasons to internalize this point: There are people for whom our democracy has never worked, because our democracy was designed to not work for them. Any resistance movement that stands any chance whatsoever of gaining traction among America’s critical non-white and non-male demographics must take this basic fact into consideration before going any further.
Read the full article on Medium.The bottom line here is that we are at a time in American history where the threat of actual, full-blown fascism is too great to ignore. There are many people in our society who don’t have the luxury to give up, and the rest of us owe it to them, and ourselves, to try to find a way to come together and use all this righteous anger productively. At the very least, when history asks us “What did you do to help turn the tide of fascism?” we will be able to answer, “Something.” (Emily Pothast).