FAQ about the Meaning of Life:
# If computing power doubles every two years, what happens when computers are doing the research?
# If I created a mind with no built-in desires, what would it do?
# How can I do something that will still matter in two hundred million years?
# What does this have to do with hemp?
# Who cares? Just read.
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."
James Madison, Fourth U.S. president, known as the Father of the Constitution.
Contributions from The Edge
Any rational hemp activist must also be a World Hunger activist. To be otherwise, is utterly incongruent and cosmologically cataclysmic.
THE EDGE:: "A Dollar a Week Will End World Hunger
It's now a billion to a billion: Of the six billion human beings currently alive on this planet, one billion live with a daily agenda of malnutrition, hunger and polluted drinking water, while another one billion — including you and me — live lives where hunger is never really an issue.
The number of really rich and really poor people on the planet now match. That makes the following piece of arithmetics very simple indeed:
If all of us who are rich (in the sense that starvation is out of the question and has always been) want to provide the economic resources necessary to end hunger, how much should we pay? We assume that all existing government and NGO aid programs continue, but will be supplemented by a world-wide campaign for private donations to end hunger (feed your antipode).
The cost of providing one billion people with 250 kilograms of grain every year is approximately $40 billion dollars a year. That would seem to be a lot of money, but with one billion people to pay, it is no big deal: $40 a year! An even more moderate estimate is provided by the organization Netaid: Just $13 billion dollars a year and the basic health and food needs of the world's poorest people could be met."
THE EDGE:: "A Dollar a Week Will End World Hunger
It's now a billion to a billion: Of the six billion human beings currently alive on this planet, one billion live with a daily agenda of malnutrition, hunger and polluted drinking water, while another one billion — including you and me — live lives where hunger is never really an issue.
The number of really rich and really poor people on the planet now match. That makes the following piece of arithmetics very simple indeed:
If all of us who are rich (in the sense that starvation is out of the question and has always been) want to provide the economic resources necessary to end hunger, how much should we pay? We assume that all existing government and NGO aid programs continue, but will be supplemented by a world-wide campaign for private donations to end hunger (feed your antipode).
The cost of providing one billion people with 250 kilograms of grain every year is approximately $40 billion dollars a year. That would seem to be a lot of money, but with one billion people to pay, it is no big deal: $40 a year! An even more moderate estimate is provided by the organization Netaid: Just $13 billion dollars a year and the basic health and food needs of the world's poorest people could be met."
Why and how to debate charitably
When working to persuade people to change their opinions -- not to mention politics -- the more retarded the initial position, the more useful it is to consider why and how to debate charitably. Actually, calling them retards might not be the best place to start, however tempting.
Don't be SUCKERED by San Francisco Ruling!
Sure, talking heads on TV yap that the headlines read, SF Passes Marijuana Tolerance Law and some hyperventilating puritans whine that, "The police will have to arrest for barking dogs or spitting on the sidewalk before they get to this marijuana."
"Supervisor Tom Ammiano calls that an over-reaction. He is the sponsor of the legislation.
Chief Heather Fong, SFPD: 'When there are legitimate criminal behaviors, criminal acts that occur, officers are permitted to enforce the law as they have been.'"
Tom Ammiano: "I don't know why the neighbors, because they aren't my neighbors, keep saying that after we point out that it's not true. Whatever the police are doing now they will continue to do, it's up to them [the gestapo!]."
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't get sucked in to this sucker's ruling by thinking that you can now wander the streets of San Francisco bogarting a big ol' blunt without being harassed. The gestapo will still mess with anybody they can possibly mess with for any possible reason. Never trust the gestapo!
Until WEED IS LEGAL, it's just not safe. It's not good enough to say, "we won't mess with you ... unless we feel like it!"
Smart Voter: Register to Vote
If you don't Register to Vote, then you can't vote.
If you can't or won't vote, then you won't change the law.
If you won't change the law, then nothing will ever change.
CHANGE the law.
CHANGE the world.
If you can't or won't vote, then you won't change the law.
If you won't change the law, then nothing will ever change.
CHANGE the law.
CHANGE the world.
Lieutenant Governor FOR HEMP!
Don't worry if you didn't get registered in time to Vote for Lynnette Shaw in this election. You can still REGISTER ONLINE after this general election, so check back on November 8 and don't miss the next opportunity. Only by taking the actions that we are capable of taking, can we make a difference. So don't worry if you miss one opportunity, just MAKE THE NEXT ONE and if we all do likewise, we will be victorious. Don't give up! Do WHAT YOU CAN today, and each day, and we will be the change we seek in the world.
Read more about Lynnette Shaw's campaign and objectives in the Marin Independent Journal.
Read more about Lynnette Shaw's campaign and objectives in the Marin Independent Journal.
The Top Ten of All Time
Okay, it's not a Hemp Fact, but dammit, some facts simply defy proper categorization.
June 2005: Milton Friedman and Nobel Prize Economists Call for Rational Marijuana Regulation
Costs of Marijuana Prohibition: Economic Analysis:
"Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation similar to that used for alcoholic beverages would produce combined savings and tax revenues of between $10 billion and $14 billion per year, finds a June 2005 report by Dr. Jeffrey Miron, visiting professor of economics at Harvard University.
The report has been endorsed by more than 530 distinguished economists, who have signed an open letter to President Bush and other public officials calling for 'an open and honest debate about marijuana prohibition,' adding, 'We believe such a debate will favor a regime in which marijuana is legal but taxed and regulated like other goods.'
Chief among the endorsing economists are three Nobel Laureates in economics: Dr. Milton Friedman of the Hoover Institute, Dr. George Akerlof of the University of California at Berkeley, and Dr. Vernon Smith of George Mason University."
"Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation similar to that used for alcoholic beverages would produce combined savings and tax revenues of between $10 billion and $14 billion per year, finds a June 2005 report by Dr. Jeffrey Miron, visiting professor of economics at Harvard University.
The report has been endorsed by more than 530 distinguished economists, who have signed an open letter to President Bush and other public officials calling for 'an open and honest debate about marijuana prohibition,' adding, 'We believe such a debate will favor a regime in which marijuana is legal but taxed and regulated like other goods.'
Chief among the endorsing economists are three Nobel Laureates in economics: Dr. Milton Friedman of the Hoover Institute, Dr. George Akerlof of the University of California at Berkeley, and Dr. Vernon Smith of George Mason University."
April 3, 1998: New Zealand Drug Policy Forum says "legalize, regulate and tax the sale of cannabis"
The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #36, 4/3/98: "The New Zealand Drug Policy Forum Trust, a group of highly respected doctors and professionals, released a report this week (3/29) urging the government to legalize, regulate and tax the sale of cannabis products in that country. The report, a draft of which was issued last year for public comment, says that in addition to massive savings in law enforcement expenditures, tax revenue on the sale of cannabis would bring in $50 million. The group is confident that the report will start the ball rolling toward a more rational discussion of cannabis policy in New Zealand."
Decriminalize Pot: Prisons Need Room Needed for Pedophiles & Politicians
digg - Decriminalize Pot: Prison Room Needed for Pedophiles & Politicians: "Texas Ind. gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman for the decriminalization of marijuana to avoid further clogging state prisons with nonviolent offenders. 'We've got to clear some of the room out of the prisons so we can put the bad guys in there, like the pedophiles and the politicians,' said Friedman, a humorist and author."
FuturePundit: Soy Better Than Corn For Biomass Energy
FuturePundit: Soy Better Than Corn For Biomass Energy:
"CIA Factbook:
US Land Area: 9.2*10^8 ha
Arable Land in US 18% or 1.7*10^8 ha
Table 822 Cropland:
In Crops: 1.4*10^8 ha
U.S. Census Bureau:
Land in Farms 2002: 3.8*10^8 ha (1953 4.9 10^8 ha)
US Annual fuel consumption: 6.7*10^11 liters
JourneyToForever website:
Crop liters oil/ha
corn (maize) 172
oats 217
cotton 325
hemp 363
soybean 446
pumpkin seed 534
rice 828
sunflowers 952
peanuts 1059
rapeseed (canola) 1190
olives 1212
jatropha 1892
avocado 2638
coconut 2689
oil palm 5950
If we could increase the land in crops by about 20%, we could devote about 3*10^7 ha to oil crops. If we could average 1,000 l/ha*, we would have 3*10^10 of oil. That is about 5% of our current use. In order to run our transportation system on bio-diesel, we must bridge a gap of at least 4 doublings.
Could we bridge the gap? Pushing as hard as we can on automotive technology, we could certainly double fleet efficiency. We might even be able to quadruple it.
1,000 l/ha* is not a stretch. But, of the crops with good oil yields, the only ones on the list above that have any promise and which are not tropical or sub-tropical, are rapeseed and sunflower. However, we have increased corn yields by over 8 times in the modern era. So we might be able to close the gap that way.
*1l of raw oil=~800ml of bio-diesel
Clearly, the algae approach, if it does not interfere with agriculture would be preferable to plowing up that much additional land.
Posted by: Robert Schwartz on July 14, 2006 07:35 AM
"CIA Factbook:
US Land Area: 9.2*10^8 ha
Arable Land in US 18% or 1.7*10^8 ha
Table 822 Cropland:
In Crops: 1.4*10^8 ha
U.S. Census Bureau:
Land in Farms 2002: 3.8*10^8 ha (1953 4.9 10^8 ha)
US Annual fuel consumption: 6.7*10^11 liters
JourneyToForever website:
Crop liters oil/ha
corn (maize) 172
oats 217
cotton 325
hemp 363
soybean 446
pumpkin seed 534
rice 828
sunflowers 952
peanuts 1059
rapeseed (canola) 1190
olives 1212
jatropha 1892
avocado 2638
coconut 2689
oil palm 5950
If we could increase the land in crops by about 20%, we could devote about 3*10^7 ha to oil crops. If we could average 1,000 l/ha*, we would have 3*10^10 of oil. That is about 5% of our current use. In order to run our transportation system on bio-diesel, we must bridge a gap of at least 4 doublings.
Could we bridge the gap? Pushing as hard as we can on automotive technology, we could certainly double fleet efficiency. We might even be able to quadruple it.
1,000 l/ha* is not a stretch. But, of the crops with good oil yields, the only ones on the list above that have any promise and which are not tropical or sub-tropical, are rapeseed and sunflower. However, we have increased corn yields by over 8 times in the modern era. So we might be able to close the gap that way.
*1l of raw oil=~800ml of bio-diesel
Clearly, the algae approach, if it does not interfere with agriculture would be preferable to plowing up that much additional land.
Posted by: Robert Schwartz on July 14, 2006 07:35 AM
Nebraska Gubernatorial Candidate For Hemp Ethanol
Seeing Red: Nebraska | Sustainable Energy | Wind and Biofuels: "[Nebraska Democratic gubernatorial candidate David Hahn ] had a heads-up on what I was interested in discussing: topics like nuclear power, ethanol, the state's 'least cost' energy law, the role of wind power and tax incentives for hybrid cars. I also asked him about peak oil and global warming. He even surprised me by talking about hemp farming, which while legal in Canada, Europe and China, is strictly controlled to the point of non-existence in the United States on the assumption – mistaken in my view and apparently in Hahn's as well – that it would encourage illegal pot production. Governor Schwarzenegger in California just vetoed a bill that would have made hemp farming legal there." -- By Bill Moore
Cellulosic Ethanol: Benefits and Challenges
Cellulosic Ethanol: Benefits and Challenges: "Is there enough land for large-scale biofuel production?
Yes. In 2005, a study jointly supported by the U.S. departments of Energy and Agriculture examined whether land resources in the United States are sufficient to sustain production of over 1 billion dry tons of biomass annually, enough to displace 30% or more of the nation's current consumption of liquid transportation fuels. By assuming relatively modest changes in agricultural and forestry practices, the report of this study projects that 1.3 billion dry tons of biomass could be available for large-scale bioenergy and biorefinery industries by mid-21st Century while still meeting demand for forestry products, food, and fiber."
Yes. In 2005, a study jointly supported by the U.S. departments of Energy and Agriculture examined whether land resources in the United States are sufficient to sustain production of over 1 billion dry tons of biomass annually, enough to displace 30% or more of the nation's current consumption of liquid transportation fuels. By assuming relatively modest changes in agricultural and forestry practices, the report of this study projects that 1.3 billion dry tons of biomass could be available for large-scale bioenergy and biorefinery industries by mid-21st Century while still meeting demand for forestry products, food, and fiber."
Lieutenant Governor for LEGAL HEMP!
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR THIS ELECTION! Please REGISTER ONLINE to vote, right now. It only takes a few minutes and empowers you for a lifetime.
We are not powerless against THE MACHINE. There are brave leaders and advocates who have sacrificed much in the name of this worth cause, so much as to make themselves available to support us at the highest state government offices.
A vote for LYNNETTE SHAW FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA on Tuesday, Novemeber 7, 2006 is a vote for rational marijuana management.
From the California Official Voter Information Guide, page 101:
Knowledge is indeed power and when we know about candidates who represent OUR INTERESTS, and VOTE FOR THEM in sufficient numbers, we will become the change we seek to create in the world.
We are not powerless against THE MACHINE. There are brave leaders and advocates who have sacrificed much in the name of this worth cause, so much as to make themselves available to support us at the highest state government offices.
A vote for LYNNETTE SHAW FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA on Tuesday, Novemeber 7, 2006 is a vote for rational marijuana management.
From the California Official Voter Information Guide, page 101:
"The war against patients and their physicians must stop, Medical Marijuana has been legal for ten years, but the authorities continue to arrest caregivers, patients and doctors. This is a waste of time, people, and taxpayers' moneyThere are a lot of complex issues that we may not have much power to influence; however, this is an example of why it is worthwhile to become a registered voter and let your voice be heard on election days! If you didn't REGISTER in time for this election, that's fine... go ahead and take just a few minutes to register ONLINE right now so that you will be eligible for all future elections.
My "Marijuana Peace Plan" has been in operation for nine years in Marin County. This program has removed many illegal drug dealers from our streets, protected patients and improved the quality of the medicine. Please join with me and WIllie Nelson to help save the family farm with industrial hemp and to protect your medical rights.
I am Lynnette Shaw, and I would appreciate your vote for Lt. Governor of California" - Lynnette Shaw
Knowledge is indeed power and when we know about candidates who represent OUR INTERESTS, and VOTE FOR THEM in sufficient numbers, we will become the change we seek to create in the world.
Video Hallucinigen
Stare at the video closely , that look away when told to. This makes your vision go all funny for a few seconds. Interesting.
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