And To Add To The Confusion

Just a quick follow-up on the last post about the confusion being created by the here and there; by this and that medical marijuana law and the conflicting, even hypocritical enforcement thereof.  Yesterday a jury in Pueblo, Colorado found a man not guilty on a charge of cultivating marijuana but guilty on a charge of possessing it. 

Hmmm ... 

The defendant in the case shared his confusion in a phone interview saying,
"Under this verdict, a caregiver may grow the marijuana but it would be illegal for them to possess it. It just makes sense that if you can grow it, you should be able to possess it."  

His lawyer was a bit more clear (cough, cough) on the subject stating, "... the jury's decision delivered a clear message.
"The jury really got it, they sent home the message loud and clear that government can't stop people from growing their medicine."  
Right ... but they can't possess it during or after they grow it ... sooo, what exactly did they get?

OMG! will the craziness ever end?

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